A Wonderful Weekend at the Buxton Wool Gathering!

Its been 10 days since the Buxton Wool Gathering. I haven't managed to update my website or even get here to have a chat about it as I have some pretty intense deadlines to meet for my degree but...I thought that I would treat myself to an hour to a cup of tea with you here today before I get back to the law books!

Setting Up at the Buxton Wool Gathering

Buxton Wool Gathering was, as you might know, Under An English Sky Yarns very first show. I really had no idea what to expect other than I would probably come away from the weekend having learned a lot for the next show!

Fortunatly my husband has done quite a few trade shows in his time so at least I had his experience and advice to hand. The weeks prior to the  show were frantic with dyeing up hundreds of skeins of yarn and sourcing all my props and gridwalls. Thankfully everything arrived in good time and soon it was time to pack up the car and make the hour and a half journey from Chester to Buxton.

The drive is just exquisite and I have to say that our daily journey over the course of the weekend was an absolute joy. We love to spend time together driving through Britains beautiful countryside, chatting about our dreams and hopes for the future. The peak district is just gorgeous. Having lived on the edge of the peak district at one point, the drive was a lovely trip down memory lane!

The venue for the wool gathering is just lovely. We had been allocated a lovely stand with the large glass windows looking out over the park as our backdrop - perfect for our nature loving souls!

The setup was so much fun! It was an opportunity to get our creative juices going and overall I was very happy with our stand.

We had taken the smallest possible stand as we were really just dipping our toes into the world of yarn shows but I think next time we will go for a bigger stand and have a lot more yarn for people to squish and choose from. 

There were definitly times when we could have had more space for people. As is usual, there were times that were quiet and then times when our stall was so packed it was difficult for people to get to the yarn! A nice problem to have.

I have to say that the thing we loved the most about the whole experience was meeting so many wonderful people! There is somethign about yarny folk, we all share a love of yarn, are all creative and by nature I think we are a nuturing community of people. And that makes for a lot of loveliness!

We came away from this lovely weekend having learned quite a few things:

  • We really love doing shows and will certainly be attending more
  • We loved meeting and speaking with people who appreciate not only our yarns but the craft. So many talented people out there!
  • We need more yarn and a bigger stand next time!
  • I want to knit more!
Collecting Sea Glass Yarn from Under An English Sky Yarns

On that last point, the last few years have been so busy with my studies that I have often neglected to take time to do some of the things that bring me joy. It's so easy to just do what you have to do and not take time to do things that you want to do.

Knitting helps to slow you down. It's very theraputic, I don't have to tell you that,  I'm sure you already know. But when I looked around the venue and saw how many vendors were displaying their beautiful yarns all knit up I was really struck with how I have neglected to make time for my hobbies. 

I'm pleased to say that so far I am sticking to my resolution and have finished a shawl, started another pair of Hermoine's Everyday Socks (my fav sock pattern) and later today, after a couple of hours of necessary research for one of my final assignements, will treat myself to picking out a new pattern and yarn!

To those lovely ladies who came and said hi...it was so lovely to meet you in person. I think my highlight has to be finally being able to meet and hug the lovely Michelle (@handknittedwoolies on IG) in person after many years of us being 'bloggy' friends. 

I have a few FO's and WIP's to share with you but that will have to wait for another post! 

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  • COLLEEN on

    What a very pretty showing of all your glorious colours, Shirl. What fun shows are and you have got the bug. Very well done and here’s to many more!

  • Janet on

    Your stall looks so lovely Shirley.
    Yes I think some samples of how your yarns look when they are made up would be good – I find it hard to imagine especially with the variegation on the colour 😊

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